Beginning Sept 20, 2010, changes to the BC Motor Vehicle Act come into effect regarding excessive speed.
The following is a list of penalties that drivers face, if caught.
First offence:
– Fines from $368 to $483 and points
– Towing and storage fees, up front while the vehicle is held for a mandatory seven day impound
– Subsequent costs include an ICBC driver-risk premium of $320 every year for three years
Second offence:
– Fines and points
– Vehicle will be impounded for a mandatory thirty days
– Up front towing and storage fees that could be more than $1200
– An ICBC driver-risk premium of $370 every year for three years
Third and subsequent offences within two years:
– Fines and points
– Vehicle will be impounded for a mandatory sixty days
– Up front costs that of as much as $1900
– An ICBC driver-risk premium of $430 every year for three years
The Superintendent of Motor Vehicles has made it very clear that these new measures aimed at anti-speeding are mandatory and not at the discretion of traffic-enforcement officers.
Mandatory impoundment means just that – if you are caught speeding in excess of 40km/h over the posted speed limit the vehicle you are driving will be impounded immediately. You and any potential passengers will be required to make alternate arrangements.
These rule changes will apply to all vehicles rented by the Employer and driven by our members while working. All of our members are urged to exercise caution and to obey the posted speed limits at all times.