Update: Health and Welfare Plan Freeze /Suspension of Union Dues

Teamsters Local 155 British Columbia & Yukon Temp Image

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The Health and Welfare Plan Trustees unanimously approved a motion to continue the freeze on the hour bank, as well as the self-pay member’s accounts until October 31, 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Again, those that have paid in advance to the Health Plan will have their account credited. All members shall have Health Plan coverage during the next three (3) month period.

To clarify, this is in addition to the months already covered. If you were covered for the month of March 2020, even if it were the last month that you would have been covered, your coverage will continue as described. The Health Plan will assess any further actions as we move forward.

We will also be extending the suspension of union dues, which will be reviewed on a monthly basis until further notice.

It is important to note, regarding union dues, as per our Union Bylaw Article 17:

“…in order to be eligible for election to any office in this Local Union, a member must be in “Continuous Good Standing” for a period of 24 consecutive months prior to the month of the nomination meeting. “Continuous  Good Standing” means compliance with the provision of Article X, Section 5 of the International Constitution concerning the payment of dues for a period of (24) twenty four months, together with no interruption in active membership in this Local Union because of suspensions, withdrawals, transfers or failure to pay fines or assessments.”
 Please note:

  • If you are planning to run as an Officer in an election, you must continue to pay union dues
  • If you have paid your monthly membership dues in advance and do not want to run as an Officer, the number of months paid while not working  during the Covid-19 shutdown will be credited forward and your dues paid through date will be adjusted once you return to work
  • If you have been working you must pay your monthly union dues and the suspension of dues does not apply to you as per our Bylaws  and the International Constitution
  • All dues adjustments will be credited forward from April 1, 2020

We hope these decisions will alleviate some financial pressures that Covid-19 may have presented. We hope this message finds you and your loved ones well.


Update: Health and Welfare Plan Freeze /Suspension of Union Dues
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