Please see updated information regarding the ratification vote.
Out of 2,210 eligible voters, 1435 ballots were casted, resulting in a 64.9% return.
There were 976 “Yes” votes for a 68.2 % approval.
There were 456 “No” votes for a 31.8 % rejection.
1406 voted electronically and 29 voted by mail-in paper ballot.
There were 2 electronic abstention votes and 1 spoiled ballot
Per article 7.4 of the BC Council of Film Union:
“Once the membership vote has been held the Executive Board will meet and hold a ratification vote. Each member of the Council will cast a vote consistent with the membership vote. Majority acceptance by the Council’s members binds the Council to the Agreement”
In this case all three Council Member Unions (IATSE 891, Teamsters 155 and ICG 669) voted in favour of ratification.
The Bargaining Committee thanks the Membership for your participation and engagement in the process.