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It has been brought to our attention that some owners of equipment, renting, or leasing to the production may have been listing our members, (Drivers) on their insurance registration as either the principal operator, or additional operator, with or without consent of the driver. Unless those vehicles are insured by the actual production, or have fleet insurance, we are recommending all members and all equipment owners cease and desist this practice immediately.
Please see below an explanation on how this impacts driver’s personal vehicle insurance if an accident occurs while driving personal vehicles as a listed or unlisted operator.
- Due to ICBC regulation changes in personal insurance, drivers should no longer move/drive anyone’s personal vehicle. Any ICBC reported accident in a personal vehicle puts the driver at risk for higher premiums, coverage complications, and other ICBC violations. Unless the vehicle is on a rental agreement with the production under fleet insurance, drivers should not drive it. If you are instructed to drive, we are advising you to respectfully decline, based on these new ICBC regulations. If there is any retaliation for refusing to drive a personal vehicle, please report it to your Shop Steward or the Union immediately.
- If a person has their name listed as a principal driver with their information placed on the insurance without their knowledge, or the insurance registration has a list of people who are registered as drivers because the owner has said they are employees of this person and are not, it is considered fraud. The Production is the Employer.
- If you had an at-fault crash while driving a non-fleet company vehicle (and the first payment on that claim occurred on or after March 1, 2017), that crash will still follow you and impact your personal and non-fleet commercial insurance. That impact depends on the rate class of the vehicle involved in the crash, and whether the claim is repaid
- If you have an at-fault crash while driving a fleet vehicle, that crash will not impact your personal and non-fleet commercial insurance.
In closing please check the vehicles that you are driving to be sure that you are not named as a driver.
For more information please refer to ICBC website for commercial insurances: