The Local Union has previously sent out an email regarding updating the Local Hire Lists. Please read the following contract language that applies.
3.06 Distant Location Local-Hire Work Permits: Prior to hiring local Employees on distant location who are not represented by a Council-member Union, the Employer shall advise the applicable Council-member Union that it is seeking to hire Employees on distant – 12 – location. Within three (3) business days of such notification by the Employer, the Council[1]member Union shall provide the Employer in writing with the names of Council represented Employees who either:
(a) reside within a thirty (30) minute by automobile radius of the headquarters established by the Employer while on distant location and who are available to work on such job assignment upon the commencement of the job assignment; or
(b) reside outside such thirty (30) minute radius, but who are willing to work as local hires on such job assignment upon the commencement of the job assignment.
Such Council represented Employees who are qualified for the job assignment in question shall be given such assignment. If the Council-member Union fails to supply the necessary number of qualified Council represented Employees to the Employer for the job assignment in question, the Employer may hire persons for the job assignment who are not represented by a Council-member Union. The Council-member Union will grant work permits to such Employees.
There is misinformation circulating that the Local Union is phoning Permits and asking them to work Local Hire or that the Local is giving concessions.
It is the intent of the Local Union to enforce the Collective Agreement to make sure that Members have access to all work within the jurisdiction of the Local Union which includes the Province of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. The language helps Members to attain employment on Productions that are based outside of the Lower Mainland other than the Vancouver Studio Zone.
The Local Union is not promoting that members give up any of their rights under the Collective Agreement, in fact we are making sure that the above quoted Article 3.06 language, along with B1.11 Dispatch and Layoff language and Articles 5.06 Distant Location and 5.07 Per Diem language will be adhered to, and that Members will be afforded all the benefits they are due.
Job orders will be filled by seniority or by name request. Dispatch will follow Article B1.11, 4% threshold rule with the Local Hires.
Therefore dispatch must call through the Local Hire List as follows:
Group 1 until 4%
Group 2 until 4%
Please contact me if you have further questions.
In Solidarity,
David Holm
Teamsters Local Union No.155