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Entertainment Partners’ is excited to invite you to sign up and create your own account on the new EP Residency application. You will be invited to upload copies of documents which support your Canadian and provincial residency. In the future, when you’re hired on a production, which is accessing EP’s Residency application, you can use the system to share your documents with that production.
Please note when you click on the link below, you will arrive at the Entertainment Partners sign-in page. You will need to select “Register now” to set up a new account to begin using the program. When accessing the application, please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge. Other browsers, such as Internet Explorer are not supported.
Please click here to view a step-by-step demo video of the program.
To access the EP Residency application directly, please click here.
If you require any assistance while using the program, you can contact EP Product Support at:
Toll free: 1-866-330-0023 (and press option 1) or you can email: Ressupport@ep.com
Thank you for your participation!