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Please find below, links to the most up to date information on the Motion Picture and Television Restart in BC. Teamsters 155 participates in an Industry Coalition and on several sub-committees developing Best Practices Guidelines that will complete this process over the coming weeks.
WorksafeBC Motion Picture and Television Production: Protocols for returning to operation
CREATIVEBC Messaging around Film Industry Restart: WorksafeBC, Border, Testing
This may be a good time to remind those of you who have not yet attended the Motion Picture Safety 101 – General Safety Awareness 5 hr online course (free) that pursuant to Article 12.07 of the BCCFU Master Agreement, all employees must successfully complete the following course before March 31, 2024.
Upon completion of the course, fill out the BC Motion Picture Training Society Bursary request and submit to Teamsters Local Union No.155 for verification and forwarding to EP Canada for payment of the $60.00 stipend for attending the course.
To register: https://www.actsafe.ca/courses/motion-picture-safety-awareness/
Additionally, Actsafe is currently conducting the Motion Picture Safety for Supervisors course virtually. While this course may not be mandatory yet, we recommend those in supervisory roles take advantage of this extremely important training. You will be eligible for the $80.00 stipend subject to the criteria outlined in the Bursary request form.
Provincial $1000.00 Benefit
We have received a request to remind members that they may be eligible to receive the B.C. Emergency Benefit for Workers
Click here for an online application: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/covid-19-financial-supports/emergency-benefit-workers
Please click the link to enter this months Union Savings Contest
Stay safe and stay strong,
Lorrie Ward
Teamsters Local Union No.155