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Teamsters Local Union No. 155 will now be conducting Shop Steward Elections by “Electronic Balloting”. Once a production commences principal photography every member dispatched out to the show will receive an emailed survey to begin this new process. The first step is to identify who would like to run as a Shop Steward. More information on the roles and responsibilities of a Shop Steward can be obtained here.
Who needs to be offered the role of Shop Steward?
All Members in a non-supervisory position and all on set members.
(No Permittees, Reserves, Coordinators, Captains, or Day Calls).
Coordinators, Captains and all those ineligible to run, are still eligible and encouraged to vote.
Section 13 B (4) of the Bylaws states:
“A member with an interest in equipment leased or rented to a production shall not be eligible for appointment or election as a Steward on any production.”
Upon receipt and review of the results for Shop Steward, if more than one eligible member runs, a follow-up email will be sent with the survey to vote for the Shop Steward. Should an appointment occur by the Union, or an acclamation, the Shop Steward will be reported to your Transport Coordinator.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Business Agent at the Office at (604) 876-8898 should you have any questions about the election process. Please ensure your email address is kept up-to-date by contacting team155@teamsters155.org.