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We have been informed that “The Good Doctor” is suspending operations. There is no indication that this is due to a COVID-19 outbreak, or suspected infection. We have been apprised by the studio (Sony) of an issue. We hope that this issue may be resolved, and that production can move ahead. We know this is a sudden shock and recognize that it is a very unfortunate situation for everyone affected by this sudden announcement.
Update on COVID‐19 Testing in the Workplace
The BC Council of Film Unions, (Teamsters 155, IATSE 891, and ICG 669) have been working together with DGC BC and UBCP/ACTRA creating a framework in the way of a Letter of Understanding (LOU) for COVID-19 testing in BC’s Motion Picture Industry. A British Columbia specific response, that ensures any COVID-19 testing of our members respects the advice of our Provincial Health Officer, and complies with BC privacy (PIPA), Human Rights, Employment Standards, as well as Workers Compensation Legislation and Regulation, while also satisfying our concerns regarding overreaching and unreasonable testing of all members, in a province where COVID-19 numbers are low.
Further discussions with the AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers) and the CMPA-BC (Canadian Media Producers Association-BC Producers Branch) regarding our COVID-19 LOU are ongoing. In the interim, we have reached agreements with individual Studios/Productions with our (LOU) that meet our obligations to our members, as well as assist in ensuring workplace safety and providing some paid sick leave for workers affected by COVID-19.
If your production is requesting that you undergo testing for COVID-19, and if you are unsure if there is a LOU in place, please contact us at team155@teamsters155.org
Also, remember that testing does not reduce the safety precautions an employer is required to take with regards to all other forms of mitigating risk of virus transmission.
In Solidarity,
Lorrie Ward
Teamsters Local Union No.155